Unlock the Secrets of Zero Point Energy

Join the First-of-Its-Kind Training in ZPE & Scalar Technologies!

A unique opportunity to explore suppressed and forgotten sciences, build real-world prototypes, and be part of India's pioneering Zero Point Energy research institute.

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Break free from traditional science!


Unravel the mysteries of electromagnetism and its real-world applications! This course covers the principles of magnetic fields, electric currents, and their interactions—laying the foundation for motors, wireless power, and advanced energy systems.

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Basic Electronics

Master the core concepts of electronics, from resistors and capacitors to transistors and microcontrollers. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this course provides hands-on experience in circuit design and troubleshooting.



Step into the world of intelligent machines! Learn how to build and program robots using sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers. This course bridges electronics, mechanics, and coding to bring your robotic creations to life.

First-of-its-kind program in India
Hands-on experience in Zero Point Energy research
Learn from experts in suppressed sciences
Build working models and prototypes
Publish your research and projects online